Fall Sports sign ups are still happening, the sheets may be gone, but students interested in playing a fall sport please see Mrs. Nichols or Mr. Nassivera to get on the list. We need more players to field some of the teams.
Fall Sports Grades 7-12 are:
Football, Soccer (boys & girls), Field Hockey, Golf, Volleyball
Have your student sign up today! Jnassivera@granvillecsd.org
The Player Parent Coach Meeting is on August 15th at 5:00 pm
Good afternoon,
This is a reminder that tomorrow, Friday June 7th there is no school in session. It is our last snow day giveback day. We will see everyone on Monday, June 10th.
Thank you and have a wonderful weekend.
There is still room in both sessions this summer!
We will be hosting a summer enrichment program this summer for students entering grades 3-6!
Week 1: July 8 -12 12p - 3p
Week 2: August 12-16 9a - 12p
Students will attend all three STEM classes daily Follow the link to register! https://forms.gle/nDE1Q47413TYPSPd8
The end of the year is here! We have less than 20 days left of school!
Here are some of our end of the year events for the Elementary schools.
The Spring Elementary Band & Chorus Concert was last night. What a great way to spend the evening - the songs were upbeat and fun to listen to. The kids sounds great & looked like they were having fun.
Greta job musicians!
Tomorrow is the first of many music performances in the next few weeks!
Come see the Elementary Band tomorrow evening at 6:30 in the High School Auditorium.
Good evening,
Please see our Budget Results below.
Resolved, the Board of Education of the Granville Central School District is authorized to expend the sums set forth in the budget in the total amount of $30,237,588 during the school year 2024-2025, and to levy the necessary tax therefore.
Yes - 349
No - 61
SHALL the Board of Education of the Granville Central School District be authorized to (1) construct, reconstruct, renovate and improve various District buildings, facilities (including athletic facilities), and sites, acquire original furnishings, equipment, machinery or apparatus required for the purpose for which such buildings, facilities (including athletic facilities), and sites, are to be used and pay costs incidental thereto, at a maximum estimated cost of not to exceed $27,900,000; (2) expend such sum for such purpose, including the expenditure of $3,900,000 from the Capital Reserve Fund; (3) levy the necessary tax therefore, to be levied and collected in annual installments in such years and in such amounts as may be determined by the Board of Education, taking into account state aid and the amount expended from the Capital Reserve Fund; and (4) in anticipation of the collection of such tax, issue bonds and notes of the District at one time or from time to time in the principal amount not to exceed $24,000,000 and levy a tax to pay interest on said obligations when due?
Yes - 305
No - 110
IF PROPOSITION #1 IS APPROVED BY THE VOTERS, SHALL the Board of Education of the Granville Central School District also be authorized to (1) install athletic field lighting and related equipment, and pay costs incidental thereto, at a maximum estimated cost of not to exceed $917,606; (2) expend such sum for such purpose; (3) levy the necessary tax therefore, to be levied and collected in annual installments in such years and in such amounts as may be determined by the Board of Education, taking into account state aid; and (4) in anticipation of the collection of such tax, issue bonds and notes of the District at one time or from time to time in the principal amount not to exceed $917,606 and levy a tax to pay interest on said obligations when due?
Yes - 228
No - 188
Shall the Board of Education of the Granville Central School District be authorized to increase the current levy and collect an annual tax, year after year, separate and apart from the annual school district budget, to the amount of $100,000.00, which shall be paid to the Pember Public Library for the support and continuation of community library programs and services; with this appropriated amount to be the annual appropriation until thereafter modified by a future vote of the electors of the Granville Central School District.
Yes - 279
No - 138
Connor Hoagland - 214
Walter Bishop - 213
Dale Bucciero - 207
Shirley Kunen - 196
Kimberly Bascom - 182
April Teer - 149
Karl Oswald - 113
Michelle Daigle - 94
Amber Daigle - 86
Write ins:
Deborah Weiss -1
Bonnie Hawley -1
Renee Rountree -1
Jim Kafka -1
Doug Quick -1
Jake Jones - 2
2024 Budget Vote
School Board Election
Today, May 21st
10 am - 8 pm
High School Gymnasium
Come out & vote!
School Budget Vote / Board of Education Election Day
Please remember to vote today.
Polls will be open 10 am - 8 pm
Use the entrance by the track and enter the High School Gym through the back doors.
If you would like to see our newsletter please visit :
If you would like to learn more about the capital project please visit:
PTO Color Run: Sunday, May 19th at GES
-Registration/Race Kit Pickup between 11:30am-12:50pm
-Race Starts promptly at 1pm (Behind GES)
-Limited supply of extra race kits available at $20 each (cash only)
Please reach out to the PTO with any questions
Do you have questions about the Capital Project that will be on the ballot next Tuesday?
We have a page on our website with videos and a presentation about the scope of the project. There are also display boards at each school building to look at.
If you have additional questions please feel free to contact the Superintendent.
518-642-1051 ext 1301
The Board of Education approved a calendar update on Monday evening.
June 7th is now a snow day giveback and there will be no school that day.
Our 2024 Spring Budget Newsletters will be in mailboxes in the next couple of days. We also have a digital version!
Check out our Budget Website!
Reminder - We will be hosting a summer enrichment program this summer for students entering grades 3-6!
Week 1: July 8 -12 12p - 3p
Week 2: August 12-16 9a - 12p
Students will attend all three STEAM classes daily
Follow the link to register!
Please remember to have your bus changes and/or early dismissal notices to the main office of your child's building before 11:00 am. This helps with getting notices out to the proper people.
Thank you for your help with matter.
Budget Vote 2024
One of the propositions this year on our ballot is a Capital Project. We have posted our fourth & final video about the project. For information & videos on the project please visit our website. There are also display boards at each of the schools. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Budget Vote 2024
One of the propositions this year on our ballot is a Capital Project. We have posted our third video about the project and there will be one more posted next week. For information & videos on the project please visit our website. There are also display boards at each of the schools.
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Hard to believe we are in May already! This time of year gets busy so we wanted to make sure you had some things on your calendar.
Please see below for a list of upcoming events!
May 13 - Board of Education Meeting and Budget Hearing - 6 pm
May 21 - Budget Vote - 10a-8pm HS Gym
May 23 - Elementary Chorus & Band Concert - 6:30 pm - High School Auditorium
May 30 - Jr High Band & Chorus Concert - 6:30 pm
June 5 - Jr/Sr High Academic Awards - 6:30 pm - High School Gym
June 6 - Sr High Band & Chorus Concert - 6:30 pm - High School Auditorium
June 10 - Board of Education Meeting
June 13 - Jazz Ensemble Concert in Veterans' Park - 6:30pm
June 24 - MJT PreK Graduation - 9:30 am
June 24 - 6th Grade Moving Up Ceremony - 6 pm
June 25 - MJT Kindergarten Parade - 9:30 am
June 25 - Last Day of School
June 28 - Graduation - 6:30 pm
Today, April 30th, will be the last day the Cardio Room is open for the school year.
Please feel free to use our outdoor facilities for walking/running.
Have a great Granville Day!
Budget Vote 2024
One of the propositions this year on our ballot is a Capital Project. We have posted our second video about the project and there will be two more posted in the coming weeks.
For information on the project please visit our website. There will also be display boards at each of the schools in the near future. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.